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Evan Douglis Studio


Park Bunce, Chendru Starkloff, Casy Rehm



Molten Colored Glass, Aircraft Cable Nets

Metal Crimps

Mahogany Blow Mold

Metal Piano Hinges, Liquid Metal Skin 

Stereolithography (SLA) Resin

Metal Plated Membrane


Disagreeable beauty is an elusive cultural phenomenon that often defies a simple explanation or logic. Suspended in a perpetual state of flux, the object of desire oscillates like a pendulum between delirious estrangement and an opposing sense of attraction. Continuously adrift, these paradoxical creatures perform as counter-culture in the margin in as much as productive resistance to the status quo.


Seeking to embody this ineffable sense of otherness, the Xenomorph series explores the iconography of desire through an evolving metamorphosis of extraterrestrial expressions. The incongruity of smooth, sensuous hyperbolic surfaces reminiscent of imaginary wind instruments, exotic gelatinous sea creatures and strange alien forms are set in stark contrast with the seemingly random and exuberant relief of synthetic biological growth. 


Possessing a range of otherworldly behaviors and curious hereditary traits, the Xenomorph is sky-bound, nocturnal, self-generative with a proclivity to embody virtuous spirits, able to bend time as a means of interspecies communication, and emit soft undecipherable utterances at moments of sentient surprise.



The primary enveloping shroud membrane was originally created as a 3D computer model. It was then 3D-printed using stereolithography technology and metal-plated. The interior suspended vessels were created by blowing molten colored glass into custom-designed aircraft cable nets producing a 360-degree array of varying bulbous formations.


Troy, New York, United States


Video 1

Video 2

Evan Douglis Studio Architecture & Design

+1 917 568 6337



251 River Street, Suite 204

Troy, NY 12180, United States


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