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Evan Douglis Studio


Chendru Starkloff, Tanner Whitney



Buro Ehring



Structural Steel Grid Units

Fiber-glass Resin Panels

Blue Stone

Permeable Pavers


Theatrical performances traditionally abide by an accepted set of cultural conventions regarding the organizational layout of the stage, the proscenium, and the audience. There’s a clear hierarchy, axial order and an agreed upon set of protocols regarding the clear and absolute delineation between the spatial realms of reality and fiction.


In contrast, the Double Bloom Pavilion proposes a more robust and opportunistic role for the architecture envelope by offering a variety of performative territorites that co-exist simultaneously. Through the careful deployment of a single surface that inverts from inside to outside while always maintaining the primary pragmatic requirement of serving a large outdoor open-air public assembly space, the Pavilion’s novel figuration mobilizes the full panoramic space encomposing the entire structure.


The sudden and unexpected appearance of two vertical oculi as windows to the sky, the surreal discovery of a conical shroud permanently suspended like a magic trick above the ground, and the heroic launch of a tapered cantilever roof out into space recalling our insatiable desire for flight, constitute as a series of isolated moments the poetic aspiration of a new typology of outdoor performance structures.  



The structural core of the Pavilion is comprised of 40 steel grid units bolted together. A total of 127 fiber-glass resin cladding panels are applied creating the impression of one continuous surface from all directions.

Canal Square Park
Cohoes, New York, United States

Double Bloom

Evan Douglis Studio Architecture & Design

+1 917 568 6337



251 River Street, Suite 204

Troy, NY 12180, United States


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